What causes different types of failure?

There are many ways failure can be caused. For example getting down on yourself. The more you tell yourself you can’t do something the more you’re going to believe that’s true and not accomplish it. Unsuccessful people are also always looking for people to help them out. if you always have to rely on someone to help you with everything then you are on the road to failing.

Admitting Failure

As you may know admitting to failure can be very challenging. It is easier to not acknowledge the fact that we failed rather than talk it over and find a solution. “The paradox is that we do everything we can to avoid these pains even though we all know failure is the best teacher and we have to be open and talk about our failures in order to learn.” Failing is the best way to overcome things and succeed and if you just push your failures aside then you’ll never know how much you can really amount to. Fear, embarrassment, and intolerance of failure drives our learning underground and hinders innovation. We’ll never amount to better if we don’t know what is better in the first place.

Death of a Salesman

In Death of a Salesman Willy goes through many hard times with his job. His boss finally tells him he is a horrible salesman and fires him. At this point he doesn’t know what to do with himself. All he has ever done is be a salesman and now hes stuck. This is a type of failure that Willy will now have to overcome. Biff and Happy would look up to his dad and now they’re starting to doubt his expertise. Howard says, “I don’t want you to represent us. I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now.”

What is failure?

The definition of failure is, lack of success. You could either come out of failure in a good way and solve the problems and find a way to be successful or you can go down the same wrong path and continue to fail. For example, “Most people know Oprah as one of the most iconic faces on TV as well as one of the richest and most successful women in the world.” Oprah went through hard times to get to that position, however, going through a rough and often abusive childhood as well as numerous career setbacks including being fired from her job as a television reporter because she was unfit for TV. Oprah is an example of someone who failed at first but then got right back up and succeeded unbelievably to the amazing women she is today.


Types of failure

Abject failure-  It marks you and you may not ever fully recover from it. People lose their lives, jobs, respect, or livelihoods.

Structural failure- It cuts deeply but it doesn’t permanently cripple your identity or enterprise.

Glorious failure- Going out in a botched but beautiful blaze of glory can be catastrophic but exhilarating.

Common failure- Everyday instances of screwing up that are not too difficult to recover from. The apology was invented for this category.

Version failure- Small failures that lead to incremental but meaningful improvements over time.

Predicted failure- Failure as an essential part of a process that allows you to see what it is you really need to do more clearly because of the shortcomings.